KPI based Performance Management System

KPI based Performance Management System

business leaders and senior executives are all looking to improve performance, minimize errors and seek out new and novel ways to gain the edge over their competition. KPIs – when properly understood and used effectively provide a powerful tool in achieving just that.

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Business is challenging, especially during difficult economic times. It is also extremely competitive and our customers are becoming increasingly discerning. As a result business leaders and senior executives are all looking to improve performance, minimize errors and seek out new and novel ways to gain the edge over their competition. KPIs – when properly understood and used effectively provide a powerful tool in achieving just that.


KPIs are a ubiquitous in modern business. They are everywhere – common almost. And yet businesses that are using KPIs correctly and effectively are not common. Knowing about KPIs and understanding their relevance is ofcourse important and we’ll explore these essential topics in this workshop. But, when push comes to shove KPIs are only really useful if you identify the right ones to measure for your business and only measure those ones. They will only deliver mission critical data if you then use the KPIs and analyze what they tell you on a regular basis to inform and illuminate your decision making.


This workshop is therefore specifically designed to ensure that you design, implement and use KPIs correctly for the maximum impact with the minimum fuss. When used properly KPIs can become the compass that can guide you through even the choppiest of corporate waters leading your business to even greater success and prosperity.




Objective/ Benefit: After completion of this course participants will be able to:

  1. Understand the concept of Performance Management System
  2. Understand the concept and practices of KPI
  3. Design and Measure KPI
  4. Align KPI in every level
  5. Drive Business Performance through KPI based PMS

Major areas to be covered:


Module-1: Concept of PMS

  • Performance Management Terminologies
  • Performance Management Vs Performance Measurement
  • Objective of PMS
  • Methods of PMS
  • Different tools for PMS


Module-2: Traditional vs KPI based Performance Management

  • Features of Traditional Performance Management System
  • Characteristics of KPI based PMS
  • What aspects of performance management drive high performance?
  • Importance & Benefit of KPI based PMS



Modue-3: Concept of KPI

  • Insight Thought of KPI
  • KPI Writing Principles
  • Types of KPI
  • Features of Perfect KPI
  • Benefits of KPI in Business


Modue-4: KPI Designing

  • KPI Selection/ development technique
  • Step for developing KPI
  • Format for KPI design
  • Techniques for giving weightage of KPI
  • Examples of KPI for different functions


Modue-5: KPI Selection & Balancing

  • KPI selection criteria
  • KRA based Selection
  • Impact Formula for KPI selection
  • Balanced Score Card for KPI selection
  • KPI Balancing: Concept & Technique


Modue-6: KPI Achievement Analysis & Reward Management

  • Data Gathering for KPI Achievement
  • Analysis of KPI Achievement
  • Data Visualization for KPI Achievement
  • Reward Management for KPI Achievement

OT-KPI based PMS-M-0-Course Guideline

OT-KPI based PMS-M-1

OT-KPI based PMS-M-2

OT-KPI based PMS-M-3

OT-KPI based PMS-M-4

OT-KPI based PMS-M-5

OT-KPI based PMS-M-6

OT-KPI based PMS-Self Activity

Practice Exercise: There are 5 Practice Exercise in the material. Delegate needs to practice by self.


Assignment: There will be an assignment to be submitted via portal


Examination: There will be MCQ based Examination. Anytime anyone can attend exam

Enrollment Closes 30/Apr/2026 GMT
Length 1 week
Effort 10 hours
Live Chat Enabled
Regular Fee $ 50.00
Special Fee $ 25.00

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